Seeing Signs in Cupcakes

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Rainbow Cupcakes

I’ve written about these cupcakes before, but in few enough words to hide the real story, the one I wanted to tell the moment I snapped this photo. But now that we’ve passed a magic number I’ve untied my own hands, so I want to share: the moment I looked down through the camera lens and saw that tiny, little red heart, I knew I was going to be someone’s mom, and that someone wanted to say “Hi.”

I’ve long thought that studying literature in college makes you more likely to see symbolism and structure in your own life. I’ve never decided whether those material metaphors woven into the ups and downs of daily existence truly mean something. It’s tempting to think so, especially when you have questions that no one can answer for you but time. Still, in a rational world, it’s natural to be suspicious of any signs you think you see in the world around you. Particularly when the sign in question has a bit too much in common with those images of the Virgin Mary that “miraculously appear” on a piece of toast. Back when I was working a dessert buffet as a pastry cook, all it took to burn the image of Trogdor (a cartoon dragon, for those not in the know) into the top of a giant creme brulee was a deft hand with a blow torch.

But this heart convinced me better than the actual pregnancy tests I took days later did. Those were easy to doubt, to question, but the moment I saw the heart, I knew. Sure, it helped that I’d been getting lightheaded all morning while I was up and around baking, and that what was to become a four-day straight headache had just set in. That didn’t stop me from knowing that this was a message just for me, the girl born on Valentine’s Day.

Hopefully, between the cupcake and the heart, this is a sign that we’re going to be welcoming a very sweet, very loving child into our lives. If nothing else, a lot of people have come by the site to see what I consider our first “baby photo”, even if they didn’t know what they were looking at.

So for my long absence–and my severe aversion to even the thought of those vegetarian Peeps I made–I have our future foodie-in-training to thank. He or she will be showing up around the first week of December, so I probably won’t be posting another flood of cookies and chocolates around Christmas again this year. But now that I’ve hit the second trimester and I’m feeling more like cooking, I hope to catch up on answering comments and be around more regularly.

And I mean that this time. As long as no one mentions those Peeps. I’m still having issues with them.

19 thoughts on “Seeing Signs in Cupcakes

  1. Matthew

    I predict that the little one will either show up early to get Thanksgiving, or hang on for a Christmas Day entrance.

  2. Gloria Thoburn

    I really enjoyed the story along with the cupcake. I would have to agree with everything you said.

    Great Confirmation!!!!!

  3. Daily Spud

    Oh congratulations! And what a tremendously special first sign – you will have a future foodie on your hands soon, I have no doubt 🙂

    1. The Other Tiger Post author

      I really hope so! I’ve been reading up on introducing first foods so that maybe I’ll have a chance of raising a foodie instead of a picky eater like I was as a child!

  4. Kathleen

    Congratulations! What a wonderful baby announcement. Many wishes for joy and happiness.

    p.s. I’m hoping you have some crazy food cravings that turn into blog posts 😉 lol.

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